Admission Info

  • Abu Obaida School, is granting a wonderful starting point to the inquisitive learners who have a great thirst for learning. We are an ARABIC Curriculum School.
  • Abu Obaida School serves the educational needs through Academic (KG-12 years) where we strive to prepare the learners for the global challenges by gearing young minds towards a greater global consciousness with the attributes of a global citizen. Pleasure us by providing an opportunity of shaping the future of your child with educational experiences thriving them to be lifelong learners.

Admission Procedure

  • Students for Nursery to grade 5 can apply to Abu Obaida Bin Al Jarrah School at any time of the year.
  • The admission process helps us to ensure the right match between what you are looking for in a school and what we hope for in a student.
  • Through the process of a visit and interaction we hope to provide you an opportunity to get to know us and for us to learn more about you and your child.
Everything you need for a successful admission

– Last study certificate.

– Certificate of Transfer.

– Certificate of leaving school.

– Copy of the student’s passport.

– A copy of the student’s residency.

– A copy of the student’s ID card.

– A copy of the student’s birth certificate.

– Personal photos of the student (4).

– A copy of the passport of the father or the sponsor.

– Copy of the identity card of the father or the sponsor.

– Registration summary photo.

– The guardian pledged to complete the required papers.

– The student’s health file.

– Copy of the vaccination certificate.

– The student from outside the country must bring a transfer certificate from outside the country and the original certificate, attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

– A high school student from outside the country must bring the last two certificates for the last two years.

– Kindergarten students upon examination there is a paper to fill in the student’s personal data and the family’s social situation.


Bank Details for Online Payments:

Beneficiary Name: Abu Obaida Bin Al Jarah Pvt School LLC

Bank Name: National Bank of Fujairah

Account Number: 012001402135

Account IBAN Number: AE280380000012001402135


Branch: Dubai

Country: United Arab Emirates


1. In Purpose of payment please write STUDENT name.

2. Mail the payment receipt to “”


If you would like to use the ONLINE REGISTRATION, please ensure you have filled in the Admission Form.

Apply Online

Also please ensure that all Supporting Documents are attached.



If you would like to submit the entire application on paper, please ensure you have downloaded, printed and filled in the Admission Form

Download Admission Form

Please ensure all supporting documentation is attached and you have filled in all sections carefully.



School offers the option to submit the entire application online or to download application forms to be filled in on paper.



  • Appointments should be made in advance. Please call the Admission Office to schedule an appointment.
  • Candidates and their parents are given a tour by an admissions officer.
  • The decision of the School Authorities is final and binding.
  • Filing and submitting of Application form does not guarantee admission to the School.
  • The Admissions Office will not accept incomplete application forms.
  • Any false or incorrect information furnished may jeopardize selection and enrollment.